insight FOOD inside is my private research and consultancy company.
The current main function of insight FOOD inside is to form a platform and portal to further develop of two innovative techniques ACOUSTIC EMISSION MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS and PHYSIOLOGY BASED DIGESTION MODELLING and to facilitate the application of these techniques. These techniques give mechanistic insight in the way products interact with the body, which can be used effectively in academic studies and product R&D.
From this company I can also offer consultancy and research support on STRUCTURE AND RHEOLOGY of foods and food ingredients, food oral processing, tactile sensory perception and food digestion.
Presentation: In-silico modelling of digestion: application examples in the food industry and potential link to pharmacokinetic modelling. The 6th APS International PharmSci 2015: Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences. September 7-9 2015, Nottingham UK.
Presentation: Out of the sensory box: exploring the physics of mouthfeel. MOA Symposium “Tickle your senses”. 7 October 2015, Media Plaza Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Presentation: "In silico modelling of the physiology of the digestive system, digestion and absorption". Infogest conference in Granada 2019.